Circle of Strength
By Vancouver Island PWA Society (VPWAS)
Synopsis: A film created to carry a message to youth who may be affected by or experiencing stigma. Through powerful interviews and storytelling, the film showcases lived experiences of HIV stigma, homophobia and transphobia. Directed and Produced by Martin M. of the Vancouver Island PWA Society (VPWAS) This project was made possible by a grant from Resist Stigma a national initiative that engages young gay, bisexual, queer, two-spirit, and trans (GBQ2ST) men and health professionals in combating stigma, and the Community-Based Research Centre for Gay Men’s Health (CBRC).
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Seeing Beyond the Substance
Synopsis: A 5 minute video about stigma surrounding people who use drugs. It’s used as a tool to help educate service providers.
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Reducing stigma related to STBBIs – Online Learning for Family Physicians
By the Canadian Public Health Association
Synopsis: The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is currently developing an online continuing medical education course targeted at family physicians entitled, Sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs): Toward, safer more inclusive care. We will be seeking accreditation from both the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. The course provides a background on stigma related to STBBIs, sexual health, and substance use and introduces strategies to reduce stigma and increase inclusivity of services (e.g., inclusivity of people various sexual orientations, ethnicities or cultures, gender identities, etc.). The course touches on what stigma is, where it comes from, how it impacts people with respect to their well-being and access to prevention, testing, and treatment services for STBBIs. A large component of the course will be putting knowledge and skills into practice through interactive, choose-your-own-adventure style case scenarios. Players will get to assume the role of a physician interacting with four different patients representing a range of sexual health/substance use concerns and representing individuals of various backgrounds to consider how STBBI-stigma intersects with factors such as sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender identity, and socioeconomic status. The case scenarios focus on putting harm reduction, trauma-and violence-informed care, cultural safety, and LGBTQ2S+ affirmative care into practice to reduce stigma. We are pleased to share some early screen shots of the course in development. The introductory modules are being produced in-house, and we are working with Stitch Media in Toronto to develop the interactive cases—please note that these screen shots represent early, conceptual designs and not the finished product. You can look out for the launch of the course in fall 2019. It will be hosted on CPHA’s learning management system,
View full sized images of the module here.
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The Pines New York circa 1985. (Dr.Bruce Dawe Prize) National Poet, Australia. Gold (Allpoetry)
By James C. Allen
The poem is meant to be read after watching this video for context.
Synopsis: I think of the boys on the island,/stout young legs/on the boardwalk/pulling the groceries,/wagons like/we had as kids.
Written for his life partner of 22 years the poem is part of a collection from James C. Allen’s book “Saying Goodbye To Rue”.
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Facing Stigma in Our Own Words
Synopsis: Facing Stigma in Our Own Words” is a five minute film on the experiences of African newcomer women living with HIV in Winnipeg. This poignant video is a window to persisting stigma and a call to action.
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Stigma experiences of people living with HIV in BC
By Pacific AIDS Network
Synopsis: We at Pacific AIDS Network are happy to share our new whiteboard video, “Stigma experiences of people living with HIV in BC”. This whiteboard video was produced as part of knowledge translation for our community-based research study, the BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index (also known simply as the ‘BC Stigma Index’). This video will provide a brief summary of BC Stigma Index, as well as some the initial findings and next steps for the project. Thanks for watching, and please visit the Pacific AIDS Network’s BC Stigma Index webpage to find more resources and knowledge translation materials developed out of BC Stigma Index (including presentation slides, blog posts, webinars, and academic posters).
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10 Things Manitobans Living with HIV Want You to Know
By Nine Circles Community Centre
Synopsis: HIV doesn’t define me. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about HIV. Nine Circles’ Lived Experience Advisory, a group of folks living with HIV who consult on Nine Circles’ communications activities, have experienced a lot of stigma in their own lives. With the support of Nine Circles’ Community Engagement Coordinator, the group came up with a list of 10 things they want people to know about HIV, in their own words. The list has been turned into postcards and posters, translated into French, been disseminated at the Red Ribbon Walk & Run fundraiser and was the basis for a World AIDS Day campaign that was distributed through Winnipeg Public Libraries, Winnipeg MAC Cosmetics locations and on social media. Words: Nine Circles’ Lived Experience Advisory Editing/Project Coordination: Teri Stevens Design: Jess Koroscil/Housefires Design & Illustration Funding: Public Health Agency of Canada, the Snowy Owl Monarchist Society.
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By Universo Positivo (Positive Universe)
Synopsis: Positive universe is a group of children who live with HIV We give groups of Self-support in the specialized clinic Countess in Mexico City for people with a newly diagnosed and we also give lectures and talks in sexuality schools and we have a stand-up and a musical with themes from our own lives to eliminate stigmas
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Healing House HIV+ Spa
By Casey House
Synopsis: Casey House amplified the voices of their clients and brought awareness to the sense of belonging people get from being touched by challenging Torontonians to feel the power of HIV+ hands. Healing House HIV+ Spa was a three day pop-up offering light-touch treatments from HIV positive individuals; volunteers gave free mini-facials and hand, head and neck treatments. Healing House was created to explore the power of compassion through touch and address HIV stigma.
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June’s HIV+ Eatery
By Casey House
Synopsis: June’s HIV+ Eatery by Casey House was an opportunity to fight stigma with every bite. To come together in a show of love, support and acceptance, and to dispel the myths about HIV that condemn so many to suffer in silence. The first-ever HIV+ restaurant where chef Matt Basile and a team of HIV-positive cooks broke bread and smashed HIV/AIDS stigma was open for three nights in November 2017.
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The Presence of Absences: OUT/LOOK Issue 3, Fall 1988
By Andrew R. Spieldenner with Catron Booker
Synopsis: The issue begins with Alan Berube, who has since passed away, and moves into articles from Steven Epstein about HIV politics and then one about aging lesbians. These provoked thoughts of absences, as many people and organizations of the HIV and LGBTQ movements are gone, but we still feel their presence.
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Be With Me
Synopsis: It wouldn’t be difficult to honey words about the films Three Flying Piglets likes to make and you’re find something about that on our website. Trouble is you can end up explaining rather than just watching what we do. We’ve made nearly a hundred short films, over 9 years, with less that £10,000. Some were made in hours while others were planned to within an inch of their lives. A few are spectacularly awful! We’re just a bunch of gay dudes who use film to better understand ourselves, connect us with our health, and to the communities in which we live. Most of our films are destined for MENRUS.CO.UK (one of our other projects) though we increasingly undertake film for the wider LGBT+ community, and our allies. These collaborations are awesomeness on toast and we were in Canada last year making a series of short films for the Positive Effect about HIV peer researchers and their work around HIV stigma. A little dry for some, perhaps, but the challenge has been to bring their extraordinary stories to life and make HIV stigma both relevant and relatable. We’ve been asked to select a single film from our filmography. This is impossible but our antidote to TV Christmas advertisements “Be With Me” was made last December and has been most viewed recently. We’ll plump for that.
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Art of Crisis: Modern Crisis of HIV
By Sean Morello
Synopsis: This essay which examines the current “crisis” of HIV stigma, after the age of modern treatment. It examines this “crisis” through the specific lens of visual art.
Download the essay.
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